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COMSYS student Jan Pennekamp awarded with TDWI Award 2018

For his Master thesis "Uncovering Doppelgängers in Online Communities", COMSYS student, and now researcher, Jan Pennekamp was awarded the TDWI Award 2018 for the best thesis in the area of analytics, big data, and business...[more]


Now hiring!

As of July 2018, COMSYS has at least three open HiWi positions![more]


InfoCup 2018 hosted by COMSYS

The Infocup is the annual soccer tournament of RWTH Aachen University's Computer Science department. This year's Infocup will take place at Saturday, the 23rd of June, from 10:30 to 17:00 in the sports hall...[more]


COMSYS blockchain content study gained significant media coverage

Our work on a quantitative analysis of the impact of arbitrary blockchain content on Bitcoin, which COMSYS researcher Roman Matzutt presented at the 22nd International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security in...[more]


Stelle als Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in mit Promotionsmöglichkeit

Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt wird ein(e) wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/in gesucht, der/die sich mit Forschungsfragestellungen im Bereich Kommunikationssysteme, Sicherheit und Privatsphäre oder Programmanalyse...[more]


PhD Defense of Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf

On December 8th 2017, Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations![more]


ICT Young Researcher Award for Martin Henze

COMSYS researcher and head of security and privacy Martin Henze was awarded the ICT Young Researcher Award 2017 by the profile area Information & Communication Technology in recognition of his contributions to ICT-related...[more]

Displaying results 57 to 63 out of 154
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