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Guest Talk: "Overlays over Everything - Advances in Multisubstrate Overlay Networks"

We are pleased to announce a guest talk by Jörg Liebeherr (University of Toronto, Canada).[more]


COMSYS wins Outstanding Paper Award at ACM SIGSAC CODASPY 2017

For their paper "Privacy Preserving HMM Forward Computation", Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf, Jan Metzke, Jan Rüth, Martin Henze and Klaus Wehrle were granted an Outstanding Paper Award at ACM SIGSAC CODASPY 2017 in Scottsdale, AZ, USA....[more]


COMSYS students Benedikt Wolters and Roman Matzutt awarded at the 2016 Univention thesis awards (Univention Absolventenpreis 2016).

The company located in Bremen annually awards theses that promise an immediate practical impact on the application of open source software in professional environments. In the 2016 edition of the award, two COMSYS students were...[more]


PhD Defense of Jó Ágila Bitsch

On January 20th 2017, Jó Ágila Bitsch successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations![more]


COMSYS finishes runner-up in 2016 iDASH Secure Genome Analysis Competition

The COMSYS team developed a solution for searching an encrypted database for other patients with matching disease markers. The implemented solution is efficient and can be fully outsourced to the cloud. With this approach, our...[more]


COMSYS Workshop on Industry/Research Collaborations

The Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems will be hosting a one-day workshop with selected representatives from research and industry. The goal of this workshop is the establishment of new and the strengthening of...[more]


COMSYS student David Hellmanns named excellent young consumer researcher

For his Bachelor's thesis "Making Individual Cloud Usage of Smartphone Users Transparent", COMSYS student David Hellmanns was awarded the young consumer researcher award 2016 (Nachwuchsförderpreis Verbraucherforschung 2016).[more]

Displaying results 71 to 77 out of 154
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