The Infocup is the annual soccer tournament of RWTH Aachen University's Computer Science department. This year's Infocup will take place at Saturday, the 23rd of June, from 10:30 to 17:00 in the sports hall...[more]
Our work on a quantitative analysis of the impact of arbitrary blockchain content on Bitcoin, which COMSYS researcher Roman Matzutt presented at the 22nd International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security in...[more]
Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt wird ein(e) wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/in gesucht, der/die sich mit Forschungsfragestellungen im Bereich Kommunikationssysteme, Sicherheit und Privatsphäre oder Programmanalyse...[more]
On December 8th 2017, Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations![more]
COMSYS researcher and head of security and privacy Martin Henze was awarded the ICT Young Researcher Award 2017 by the profile area Information & Communication Technology in recognition of his contributions to ICT-related...[more]
COMSYS welcomed over 30 researchers and PIs from all over Germany[more]