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Table Soccer @ RWTH Sports Day: ComSys Team wins silver medal!

As every year, ComSys table soccer team brings a medal back home. This time it was a university-wide table soccer tournament at the RWTH Sports Day, where Nico and Raimondas took the second place out of 17 teams. Congratulations![more]


LANCOM System supports COMSYS

LANCOM Systems supports COMSYS with five student scholarships.[more]


Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award to ComSys at ns3-workshop 2012

ComSys paper "Building a modular BitTorrent model for ns-3" authored by Elias Weingaertner, René Glebke, Martin Lang and Klaus Wehrle was awarded the Best Paper Award and the Best Student Paper Award at WNS 2012, the 2012...[more]


Oscar Dustmann and Mirko Stoffers awarded the KuVS prize for best theses!

ComSys students Oscar Dustmann and Mirko Stoffers (alumni) were awarded the KuVS prize for the best theses in the area of Communication and Distributed Systems in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in 2011. Oscar Dustmann was...[more]


Dissertation of Stefan Götz

On February 23rd 2012, Stefan Götz successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations![more]


Doctoral Defense of Muhammad Hamad Alizai

On March 7th 2012, Muhammad Hamad Alizai successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations![more]


COMSYS at Mobile World Congress 2012

COMSYS presents two projects of the UMIC research cluster at the 2012 Mobile World Congess (MWC 2012) -- the world's largest exhibition on mobile communications and mobile Internet technology[more]

Displaying results 120 to 126 out of 146
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