ComSys students Oscar Dustmann and Mirko Stoffers (alumni) were awarded the KuVS prize for the best theses in the area of Communication and Distributed Systems in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in 2011. Oscar Dustmann was...[more]
On February 23rd 2012, Stefan Götz successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations![more]
On March 7th 2012, Muhammad Hamad Alizai successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations![more]
COMSYS presents two projects of the UMIC research cluster at the 2012 Mobile World Congess (MWC 2012) -- the world's largest exhibition on mobile communications and mobile Internet technology[more]
Just in time for the Mobile World Congress, we filed a patent for our new camera based navigation system. This system allows pedestrians, but also people bound to the wheelchair to navigate without the use of GPS or other...[more]
For those who are interested in what happend at the Department in 2011 - check out the report. The cover offers some insight into how doing Computer Science looks like in practice .... [more]
ComSys was well represented at the 4th ITU 'Kaleidoscope' conference that took place at Cape Town on 12 - 14 December. Klaus had been invited to present the, errh, invited paper of the 'Social, economic and policy aspects' track....[more]