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Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in gesucht!

Am Lehrstuhl für Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme (ComSys) der RWTH Aachen ist ab Januar 2013 eine Stelle als wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (TV-L E13) zu besetzen. Die Möglichkeit zur Promotion ist gegeben und wird...[more]


Erfolgreiche Bewilligung des DFG Sonderforschungsbereiches 1053 "MAKI"

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) hat den Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) „MAKI – Multi-Mechanismen- Adaption für das künftige Internet“ bewilligt. In das durch die TU Darmstadt koordinierte Forschungsprojekt ist COMSYS...[more]


James Gross joins KTH in Stockholm

James Gross, head of the Mobile Network Performance Group at UMIC, has joined the School of Electrical Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He will continue his close cooperation with ComSys as...[more]


Bewilligung und Start Ziel-2 Projekt "PREserv"

Privacy Enhanced Sensing, Encoding, Relaying & Visualization   Die ubiquitäre Erfassung sensor-basierter Daten ermöglicht Rückschlüsse auf die Bewegung, Aktivitäten, und Verhaltensweisen einzelner Individuen und erlaubt dadurch...[more]


COMSYS Diploma Student to receive one of three FIfF Thesis Awards

We are very happy to announce that COMSYS Diploma Student Angel Tchorbadjiiski will receive one of the three FIfF Thesis Awards for his Diploma Thesis on Liquid Democracy. The award ceremony will take place on November 10th at...[more]


Guest Talk "Device-Free Localization from Wireless Network Signal Strength Measurements", Friday (2012-09-28)

We're pleased to announce a guest talk by Maurizio Bocca (Signal and Processing Across Networks (SPAN) Lab, University of Utah).When: Friday, September 28th, 2012, at 11amWhere: i4 seminar room, building E1, room 4105, 1....[more]


Guest Talk "S2E: A Platform for In-Vivo Multi-Path Analysis of Software Systems", Tuesday (2012-05-22)

We're pleased to announce a guest talk by Vitaly Chipounov (Dependable Systems Lab, EPFL, Switzerland) on the Selective Symbolic Execution (S2E) platform.When: Tuesday 22nd of May, at 14:00hWhere: i4 seminar room, building E1,...[more]

Displaying results 113 to 119 out of 146
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