< COMSYS students attended MANIAC2013 competition
02.09.2013 09:43 Age: 11 yrs
COMSYS wins "coolest demo award" at ExtremeCom 2013 (copy 1)
Paul Smith and Jó Ágila Bitsch Link of COMSYS presented a system for opportunistic sensor network deployment support and win the coolest demo award.

Taking aerial pictures from and relaying messages via a kite in Southern Iceland.
At this years Extreme Conference on Communication (ExtremeCom 2013), COMSYS won the prestigious coolest demo award for a system Paul Smith and Jó Ágila Bitsch Link developed for deploying sensor networks.
The system makes use smartphones and tablets to register where and how nodes are deployed, display connectivity and data via an sensor network radio attached to the smartphone via USB. In addition, the system allows taking aerial pictures from a kite or balloon.