This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2024-10-09 Creation time: 22-45-31 --- Number of references 22 inproceedings 2023-redefine-mpc-cosimulation Delay-aware Model Predictive Control for Fast Frequency Control Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2023) 2023 10 redefine IEEE Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2023) 10.1109/SmartGridComm57358.2023.10333921 1 TobiasHeins RenéGlebke MirkoStoffers SriramGurumurthy JanHeesemann MartinaJosevski AntonelloMonti KlausWehrle inproceedings 2022-wireless-anycast Harnessing Cooperative Anycast Communication for Increased Resilience in Wireless Control Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022) 2022 12 reflexes IEEE Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022) 10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9992864 1 RenéGlebke JanScheiper StefanLenz MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle inproceedings 2021-glebke-service-based-forwarding Service-based Forwarding via Programmable Dataplanes 2021 6 10 reflexes /fileadmin/papers/2021/2021-glebke-service-based-forwarding.pdf IEEE Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing: Workshop on Semantic Addressing and Routing for Future Networks (SARNET-21) 978-1-6654-4005-9 2325-5609 10.1109/HPSR52026.2021.9481814 1 RenéGlebke DirkTrossen IkeKunze DavidLou JanRüth MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle book 2019-stoffers-dissertation Automated Optimization of Discrete Event Simulations without Knowing the Model 2019 10 Discrete Event Simulation; Parallelization; Memoization memosim Klaus Wehrle Shaker Reports on Communications and Distributed Systems en 978-3-8440-6973-0 1 MirkoStoffers article 2018-stoffers-on-automated-memoization On Automated Memoization in the Field of Simulation Parameter Studies ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 2018 10 28 4 Article 26 26:1-26:25 memosim,symbiosys file:2213 10.1145/3186316 1 MirkoStoffers DanielSchemmel OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-krude-circuit Circuit Switched VM Networks for Zero-Copy IO 2018 8 20 1-7 maki ACM Proceedings of the 2018 Afternoon Workshop on Kernel Bypassing Networks (KBNets'18) Budapest, Hungary Afternoon Workshop on Kernel Bypassing Networks 20.8.2018 10.1145/3229538.3229539 1 JohannesKrude MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-cpsbench-schemmel-equiv Towards Benchmark Optimization by Automated Equivalence Detection 2018 4 10 symbiosys,reflexes file:2196 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems (CPSBench'18) Porto, Portugal 1st Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems 2018-04-10 978-1-5386-6742-2 10.1109/CPSBench.2018.00011 1 DanielSchemmel RenéGlebke MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle inproceedings 2017-poormohammady Dynamic Algorithm Selection for the Logic of Tasks in IoT Stream Processing Systems 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management 2017 11 26 Online IEEE 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management, Tokyo, Japan en 10.23919/CNSM.2017.8256009 1 EhsanPoormohammady Jens HelgeReelfs MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle ApostolosPapageorgiou inproceedings 2017-stoffers-dsrt-memo-ident Automated Memoization: Automatically Identifying Memoization Units in Simulation Parameter Studies 2017 10 18 33-42 Automatic Memoization; Accelerating Parameter Studies; Performance Prediction memosim,symbiosys Online IEEE Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2017), Rome, Italy Rome, Italy en 10.1109/DISTRA.2017.8167664 1 MirkoStoffers RalfBettermann KlausWehrle inproceedings 2017-serror-pads-cows Code-transparent Discrete Event Simulation for Time-accurate Wireless Prototyping 2017 5 24 memosim,symbiosys ACM online Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’17), Singapore, Singapore Singapore, Singapore 5th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’17) May 24-26, 2017 978-1-4503-4489-0 10.1145/3064911.3064913 1 MartinSerror Jörg ChristianKirchhof MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2016-stoffers-pads-memo Automated Memoization for Parameter Studies Implemented in Impure Languages 2016 5 15 221-232 Best Paper Award Automatic Memoization; Accelerating Parameter Studies; Impure Languages memosim,symbiosys Online ACM
New York, NY
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’16), Banff, AB, Canada Banff, AB, Canada en 10.1145/2901378.2901386 1 MirkoStoffers DanielSchemmel OscarSoria Dustmann KlausWehrle
article 2016-kunz-tomacs-horizon Parallel Expanded Event Simulation of Tightly Coupled Systems ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 2016 1 26 2 12:1--12:26 The technical evolution of wireless communication technology and the need for accurately modeling these increasingly complex systems causes a steady growth in the complexity of simulation models. At the same time, multi-core systems have become the de facto standard hardware platform. Unfortunately, wireless systems pose a particular challenge for parallel execution due to a tight coupling of network entities in space and time. Moreover, model developers are often domain experts with no in-depth understanding of parallel and distributed simulation. In combination, both aspects severely limit the performance and the efficiency of existing parallelization techniques. We address these challenges by presenting parallel expanded event simulation, a novel modeling paradigm that extends discrete events with durations which span a period in simulated time. The resulting expanded events form the basis for a conservative synchronization scheme that considers overlapping expanded events eligible for parallel processing. We furthermore put these concepts into practice by implementing Horizon, a parallel expanded event simulation framework specifically tailored to the characteristics of multi-core systems. Our evaluation shows that Horizon achieves considerable speedups in synthetic as well as real-world simulation models and considerably outperforms the current state-of-the-art in distributed simulation. Parallel discrete event simulation, Multi-core Systems, Wireless Systems, Simulation Modeling Paradigm, Conservative Synchronization horizon ACM en 10.1145/2832909 1 GeorgKunz MirkoStoffers OlafLandsiedel KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2015-stoffers-mswim-data-deps Data Dependency based Parallel Simulation of Wireless Networks 2015 11 2 291-300 Simulation of wireless systems is highly complex and can only be efficient if the simulation is executed in parallel. To this end, independent events have to be identified to enable their simultaneous execution. Hence, the number of events identified as independent needs to be maximized in order to increase the level of parallelism. Traditionally, dependencies are determined only by time and location of events: If two events take place on the same simulation entity, they must be simulated in timestamp order. Our approach to overcome this limitation is to also investigate data-dependencies between events. This enables event reordering and parallelization even for events at the same simulation entity. To this end, we design the simulation language PSimLa, which aids this process. In this paper, we discuss the PSimLa design and compiler as well as our data-dependency analysis approach in detail and present case studies of wireless network models, speeded up by a factor of 10 on 12 cores where time-based parallelization only achieves a 1.6x speedup. Best Paper Award Parallel simulation; Static code analysis; Data dependencies horizon Online ACM
New York, NY
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Cancún, Mexico (MSWiM'15) Cancún, Mexico en 10.1145/2811587.2811593 1 MirkoStoffers TorstenSehy JamesGross KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2015-stoffers-pads-data-deps Analyzing Data Dependencies for Increased Parallelism in Discrete Event Simulation 2015 6 10 73-74 horizon Online ACM
New York, NY
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’15), London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom en 10.1145/2769458.2769487 1 MirkoStoffers TorstenSehy JamesGross KlausWehrle
inproceedings virtualcoordinate_li_lin_stoffers_gross_2015 Channel-Aware Virtual Coordinates Assignment Protocol and Routing in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Network 2015 5 20 Online IFIP
Laxenburg, Austria
Proc. of the 14th International IFIP TC6 Networking Conference (NETWORKING'15), Toulouse, France Toulouse, France en 10.1109/IFIPNetworking.2015.7145337 1 DiLi ZhichaoLin MirkoStoffers JamesGross
inproceedings 2014-stoffers-omnet-parallel-inet Enabling Distributed Simulation of OMNeT++ INET Models 2014 9 3 arXiv:1409.0994 Online Cornell University
Ithaca, New York, United States
Proceedings of the 1st OMNeT++ Community Summit, Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, Germany en MirkoStoffers RalfBettermann JamesGross KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2014-stoffers-simutools-distributed-horizon Large-Scale Network Simulation: Leveraging the Strengths of Modern SMP-based Compute Clusters 2014 3 17 31-40 horizon Online ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools'14), Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal en 978-1-63190-007-5 10.4108/icst.simutools.2014.254622 1 MirkoStoffers SaschaSchmerling GeorgKunz JamesGross KlausWehrle
article 2012-stoffers-pik-probabilistic-sync Behavior-aware Probabilistic Synchronization in Parallel Simulations and the Influence of the Simulation Model Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK Journal) 2012 11 35 4 297--304 horizon Print Otto Spaniol De Gruyter en 0930-5157 10.1515/pik-2012-0042 MirkoStoffers inproceedings 2012-stoffers-mascots-ns3-propagation-models Comparing the ns–3 Propagation Models 2012 8 61--67 nonRWTH Print IEEE Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'12), Washington D.C., USA Washington D.C., USA 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'10) en 978-1-4673-2453-3 10.1109/MASCOTS.2012.17 1 MirkoStoffers GeorgeRiley inproceedings 2012-stoffers-pads-hybrid-simulation Hybrid Simulation of Packet-Level Networks and Functional-Level Routers 2012 7 111--119 nonRWTH Print IEEE Proceedings of the 26th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS'12), Zhangjiajie, China Zhangjiajie, China en 978-0-7695-4714-5 1087-4097 10.1109/PADS.2012.22 1 MirkoStoffers GeorgeRiley inproceedings 2012-kunz-simutools-probabilistic-sync Know Thy Simulation Model: Analyzing Event Interactions for Probabilistic Synchronization in Parallel Simulations 2012 3 20 119-128 horizon Online ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools'12), Desenzano del Garda, Italy Desenzano, Italy en 978-1-4503-1510-4 10.4108/icst.simutools.2012.247716 1 GeorgKunz MirkoStoffers JamesGross KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2011-kunz-omnetpp-horizon Runtime Efficient Event Scheduling in Multi-threaded Network Simulation 2011 3 21 359-366 Developing an efficient parallel simulation framework for multiprocessor systems is hard. A primary concern is the considerable amount of parallelization overhead imposed on the event handling routines of the simulation framework. Besides more complex event scheduling algorithms, the main sources of overhead are thread synchronization and locking of shared data structures. As a result, the overhead of parallelization may easily outweigh the benefits of parallelization in comparison to classic sequential simulation. We introduce two efficient event handling schemes based on our parallel-simulation extension Horizon for the OMNeT++ simulator.First, we present a \emph{push-based event handling scheme} to minimize the overhead of thread synchronization and locking. Second, we complement this scheme with a novel \emph{event scheduling algorithm} that significantly reduces the overhead of parallel event scheduling. Lastly, we prove the correctness of our scheduling algorithm. Our evaluation reveals a total reduction in the event handling overhead of up to 16x when combining both schemes. horizon fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-kunz-horizon-omnetworkshop.pdf Online ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++'11), Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain 4th International Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++'11) March 21, 2011 en 978-1-936968-00-8 10.4108/icst.simutools.2011.245504 1 GeorgKunz MirkoStoffers JamesGross KlausWehrle