This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2025-01-15 Creation time: 19-22-26 --- Number of references 2 inproceedings 2017-panchenko-wpes-fingerprinting Analysis of Fingerprinting Techniques for Tor Hidden Services 2017 10 30 Online ACM Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES), co-located with the 24th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Dallas, TX, USA en 978-1-4503-5175-1 10.1145/3139550.3139564 1 AndriyPanchenko AsyaMitseva MartinHenze FabianLanze KlausWehrle ThomasEngel inproceedings 2017-serror-ew-koi From Radio Design to System Evaluations for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communication 2017 5 17 koi IEEE Proc. of 23rd European Wireless Conference (EW17), Dresden, Germany Dresden, Germany Proc. of 23rd European Wireless Conference (EW17) 17.-19. May 2017 1 Shehzad AliAshraf Y.-P. EricWang SamehEldessoki BerndHolfeld DonaldParruca MartinSerror JamesGross