% % This file was created by the TYPO3 extension % bib % --- Timezone: UTC % Creation date: 2024-10-06 % Creation time: 17-30-31 % --- Number of references % 6 % @Inproceedings { 2019_pennekamp_securityConsiderations, title = {Security Considerations for Collaborations in an Industrial IoT-based Lab of Labs}, year = {2019}, month = {12}, day = {4}, abstract = {The productivity and sustainability advances for (smart) manufacturing resulting from (globally) interconnected Industrial IoT devices in a lab of labs are expected to be significant. While such visions introduce opportunities for the involved parties, the associated risks must be considered as well. In particular, security aspects are crucial challenges and remain unsolved. So far, single stakeholders only had to consider their local view on security. However, for a global lab, we identify several fundamental research challenges in (dynamic) scenarios with multiple stakeholders: While information security mandates that models must be adapted wrt. confidentiality to address these new influences on business secrets, from a network perspective, the drastically increasing amount of possible attack vectors challenges today's approaches. Finally, concepts addressing these security challenges should provide backwards compatibility to enable a smooth transition from today's isolated landscape towards globally interconnected IIoT environments.}, keywords = {secure industrial collaboration; interconnected cyber-physical systems; stakeholders; Internet of Production}, tags = {internet-of-production; iotrust}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2019/2019-pennekamp-security-considerations.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Global Conference on Internet of Things (GCIoT '19), December 4–7, 2019, Dubai, United Arab Emirates}, event_place = {Dubai, United Arab Emirates}, event_date = {December 4–7, 2019}, ISBN = {978-1-7281-4873-1}, DOI = {10.1109/GCIoT47977.2019.9058413}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Pennekamp, Jan and Dahlmanns, Markus and Gleim, Lars and Decker, Stefan and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2019_delacadena_countermeasure, title = {POSTER: Traffic Splitting to Counter Website Fingerprinting}, year = {2019}, month = {11}, day = {12}, pages = {2533-2535}, abstract = {Website fingerprinting (WFP) is a special type of traffic analysis, which aims to infer the websites visited by a user. Recent studies have shown that WFP targeting Tor users is notably more effective than previously expected. Concurrently, state-of-the-art defenses have been proven to be less effective. In response, we present a novel WFP defense that splits traffic over multiple entry nodes to limit the data a single malicious entry can use. Here, we explore several traffic-splitting strategies to distribute user traffic. We establish that our weighted random strategy dramatically reduces the accuracy from nearly 95\% to less than 35\% for four state-of-the-art WFP attacks without adding any artificial delays or dummy traffic.}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2019/2019-delacadena-splitting-defense.pdf}, publisher = {ACM}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '19), November 11-15, 2019, London, United Kingdom}, event_place = {London, United Kingdom}, event_date = {November 11-15, 2019}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-6747-9/19/11}, DOI = {10.1145/3319535.3363249}, reviewed = {1}, author = {De la Cadena, Wladimir and Mitseva, Asya and Pennekamp, Jan and Hiller, Jens and Lanze, Fabian and Engel, Thomas and Wehrle, Klaus and Panchenko, Andriy} } @Inproceedings { 2019-hiller-icnp-tailoringOR, title = {Tailoring Onion Routing to the Internet of Things: Security and Privacy in Untrusted Environments}, year = {2019}, month = {10}, day = {10}, abstract = {An increasing number of IoT scenarios involve mobile, resource-constrained IoT devices that rely on untrusted networks for Internet connectivity. In such environments, attackers can derive sensitive private information of IoT device owners, e.g., daily routines or secret supply chain procedures, when sniffing on IoT communication and linking IoT devices and owner. Furthermore, untrusted networks do not provide IoT devices with any protection against attacks from the Internet. Anonymous communication using onion routing provides a well-proven mechanism to keep the relationship between communication partners secret and (optionally) protect against network attacks. However, the application of onion routing is challenged by protocol incompatibilities and demanding cryptographic processing on constrained IoT devices, rendering its use infeasible. To close this gap, we tailor onion routing to the IoT by bridging protocol incompatibilities and offloading expensive cryptographic processing to a router or web server of the IoT device owner. Thus, we realize resource-conserving access control and end-to-end security for IoT devices. To prove applicability, we deploy onion routing for the IoT within the well-established Tor network enabling IoT devices to leverage its resources to achieve the same grade of anonymity as readily available to traditional devices.}, tags = {internet-of-production}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2019/2019-hiller-tailoring.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP '19), October 7-10, 2019, Chicago, IL, USA}, event_place = {Chicago, IL, USA}, event_name = {27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2019)}, event_date = {7-10. Oct. 2019}, ISBN = {978-1-7281-2700-2}, ISSN = {2643-3303}, DOI = {10.1109/ICNP.2019.8888033}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Hiller, Jens and Pennekamp, Jan and Dahlmanns, Markus and Henze, Martin and Panchenko, Andriy and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2019-dahlmanns-icnp-knowledgeSystem, title = {Privacy-Preserving Remote Knowledge System}, year = {2019}, month = {10}, day = {7}, abstract = {More and more traditional services, such as malware detectors or collaboration services in industrial scenarios, move to the cloud. However, this behavior poses a risk for the privacy of clients since these services are able to generate profiles containing very sensitive information, e.g., vulnerability information or collaboration partners. Hence, a rising need for protocols that enable clients to obtain knowledge without revealing their requests exists. To address this issue, we propose a protocol that enables clients (i) to query large cloud-based knowledge systems in a privacy-preserving manner using Private Set Intersection and (ii) to subsequently obtain individual knowledge items without leaking the client’s requests via few Oblivious Transfers. With our preliminary design, we allow clients to save a significant amount of time in comparison to performing Oblivious Transfers only.}, note = {Poster Session}, keywords = {private query protocol; knowledge system; remote knowledge; private set intersection; oblivious transfer}, tags = {kimusin; internet-of-production}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2019/2019-dahlmanns-knowledge-system.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP '19), October 7-10, 2019, Chicago, IL, USA}, event_place = {Chicago, IL, USA}, event_name = {27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2019)}, event_date = {7-10. Oct. 2019}, ISBN = {978-1-7281-2700-2}, ISSN = {2643-3303}, DOI = {10.1109/ICNP.2019.8888121}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Dahlmanns, Markus and Dax, Chris and Matzutt, Roman and Pennekamp, Jan and Hiller, Jens and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2019_pennekamp_multipath, title = {Multipathing Traffic to Reduce Entry Node Exposure in Onion Routing}, year = {2019}, month = {10}, day = {7}, abstract = {Users of an onion routing network, such as Tor, depend on its anonymity properties. However, especially malicious entry nodes, which know the client’s identity, can also observe the whole communication on their link to the client and, thus, conduct several de-anonymization attacks. To limit this exposure and to impede corresponding attacks, we propose to multipath traffic between the client and the middle node to reduce the information an attacker can obtain at a single vantage point. To facilitate the deployment, only clients and selected middle nodes need to implement our approach, which works transparently for the remaining legacy nodes. Furthermore, we let clients control the splitting strategy to prevent any external manipulation.}, note = {Poster Session}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2019/2019-pennekamp-multipathing.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP '19), October 7-10, 2019, Chicago, IL, USA}, event_place = {Chicago, IL, USA}, event_name = {27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2019)}, event_date = {7-10. Oct. 2019}, ISBN = {978-1-7281-2700-2}, ISSN = {2643-3303}, DOI = {10.1109/ICNP.2019.8888029}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Pennekamp, Jan and Hiller, Jens and Reuter, Sebastian and De la Cadena, Wladimir and Mitseva, Asya and Henze, Martin and Engel, Thomas and Wehrle, Klaus and Panchenko, Andriy} } @Inproceedings { 2019-hiller-aeit-regaining, title = {Regaining Insight and Control on SMGW-based Secure Communication in Smart Grids}, year = {2019}, month = {9}, abstract = {Smart Grids require extensive communication to enable safe and stable energy supply in the age of decentralized and dynamic energy production and consumption. To protect the communication in this critical infrastructure, public authorities mandate smart meter gateways (SMGWs) to intercept all inbound and outbound communication of premises such as a factory or smart home, and forward the communication data on secure channels established by the SMGW itself to be in control of the communication security. However, using the SMGW as proxy, local devices can neither review the security of these remote connections established by the SMGW nor enforce higher security guarantees than established by the all in one configuration of the SMGW which does not allow for use case-specific security settings. We present mechanisms that enable local devices to regain this insight and control over the full connection, i.e., up to the final receiver, while retaining the SMGW's ability to ensure a suitable security level. Our evaluation shows modest computation and transmission overheads for this increased security in the critical smart grid infrastructure.}, note = {ECSEL; European Union (EU); Horizon 2020; CONNECT Innovative smart components, modules and appliances for a truly connected, efficient and secure smart grid; Grant Agreement No 737434}, tags = {connect}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2019/2019-hiller-aeit-regaining.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 AEIT International Annual Conference, September 18-20, 2019, Firenze, Italy}, event_place = {Firenze, Italy}, event_name = {AEIT International Annual Conference}, event_date = {September 18-20, 2019}, ISBN = {978-8-8872-3745-0}, DOI = {10.23919/AEIT.2019.8893406}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Hiller, Jens and Komanns, Karsten and Dahlmanns, Markus and Wehrle, Klaus} }