This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-10-16 Creation time: 02-05-01 --- Number of references 4 article 2015-cheng-piap-jmu Psychologist in a Pocket: Lexicon Development and Content Validation of a Mobile-Based App for Depression Screening JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2016 7 20 4 3 e88 piap Online en 2291-5222 10.2196/mhealth.5284 1 Paula Glenda FerrerCheng Roann MunozRamos Jó AgilaBitsch Link Stephan MichaelJonas TimIx Portia Lynn QuetulioSee KlausWehrle proceedings 2016-Jakobs-EURAS Co-opetition and Open Innovation. Proc. 21st EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference, 2016, Montpellier, France 2016 5 Online Mainz EN 978-3-95886-103-9 1 KaiJakobs AnneMione Anne-FrancoiseCutting-Decelle SophieMignon inproceedings 2016-ramos-inpact-lexicon How Do I Say "Sad?" Building a Depression-Lexicon for Psychologist in a Pocket 2016 4 30 1--6 29% Acceptance rate /fileadmin/misc/2016/2016-ramos-inpact-lexicon.pdf Online Clara Pracana and Michael Wang World Institute for Advanced Research and Science
Lisbon, Portugal
Proceedings of the International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT 2016) Lisbon, Portugal International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT 2016) April 30 -- May 2, 2016 en 978-989-99389-6-0 1 Roann MunozRamos Paula Glenda FerrerCheng Jó AgilaBitsch Link Stephan MichaelJonas
inproceedings 2016-ramos-inpact-feeling-meh Feeling Meh: Psychologist in a pocket app for depression screening 2016 4 30 1--4 29% Acceptance rate /fileadmin/misc/2016/2016-ramos-inpact-feeling-meh.pdf Online Clara Pracana and Michael Wang World Institute for Advanced Research and Science
Lisbon, Portugal
Proceedings of the International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT 2016) Lisbon, Portugal International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT 2016) April 30 -- May 2, 2016 en 978-989-99389-6-0 1 Roann MunozRamos Paula Glenda FerrerCheng Jó AgilaBitsch Link Stephan MichaelJonas