This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2025-02-19 Creation time: 02-01-51 --- Number of references 2 incollection 2023_rueppel_crd-b2.ii Model-Based Controlling Approaches for Manufacturing Processes 2023 2 8 221-246 The main objectives in production technology are quality assurance, cost reduction, and guaranteed process safety and stability. Digital shadows enable a more comprehensive understanding and monitoring of processes on shop floor level. Thus, process information becomes available between decision levels, and the aforementioned criteria regarding quality, cost, or safety can be included in control decisions for production processes. The contextual data for digital shadows typically arises from heterogeneous sources. At shop floor level, the proximity to the process requires usage of available data as well as domain knowledge. Data sources need to be selected, synchronized, and processed. Especially high-frequency data requires algorithms for intelligent distribution and efficient filtering of the main information using real-time devices and in-network computing. Real-time data is enriched by simulations, metadata from product planning, and information across the whole process chain. Well-established analytical and empirical models serve as the base for new hybrid, gray box approaches. These models are then applied to optimize production process control by maximizing the productivity under given quality and safety constraints. To store and reuse the developed models, ontologies are developed and a data lake infrastructure is utilized and constantly enlarged laying the basis for a World Wide Lab (WWL). Finally, closing the control loop requires efficient quality assessment, immediately after the process and directly on the machine. This chapter addresses works in a connected job shop to acquire data, identify and optimize models, and automate systems and their deployment in the Internet of Production (IoP). Process control; Model-based control; Data aggregation; Model identification; Model optimization internet-of-production Springer Interdisciplinary Excellence Accelerator Series Internet of Production: Fundamentals, Applications and Proceedings 978-3-031-44496-8 10.1007/978-3-031-44497-5_7 1 Adrian KarlRüppel MuzafferAy BenediktBiernat IkeKunze MarkusLandwehr SamuelMann JanPennekamp PascalRabe Mark P.Sanders DominikScheurenberg SvenSchiller TiandongXi DirkAbel ThomasBergs ChristianBrecher UweReisgen Robert H.Schmitt KlausWehrle inproceedings 2020_pennekamp_parameter_exchange Privacy-Preserving Production Process Parameter Exchange 2020 12 10 510-525 Nowadays, collaborations between industrial companies always go hand in hand with trust issues, i.e., exchanging valuable production data entails the risk of improper use of potentially sensitive information. Therefore, companies hesitate to offer their production data, e.g., process parameters that would allow other companies to establish new production lines faster, against a quid pro quo. Nevertheless, the expected benefits of industrial collaboration, data exchanges, and the utilization of external knowledge are significant. In this paper, we introduce our Bloom filter-based Parameter Exchange (BPE), which enables companies to exchange process parameters privacy-preservingly. We demonstrate the applicability of our platform based on two distinct real-world use cases: injection molding and machine tools. We show that BPE is both scalable and deployable for different needs to foster industrial collaborations. Thereby, we reward data-providing companies with payments while preserving their valuable data and reducing the risks of data leakage. secure industrial collaboration; Bloom filter; oblivious transfer; Internet of Production internet-of-production ACM Proceedings of the 36th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC '20), December 7-11, 2020, Austin, TX, USA Austin, TX, USA December 7-11, 2020 978-1-4503-8858-0/20/12 10.1145/3427228.3427248 1 JanPennekamp ErikBuchholz YannikLockner MarkusDahlmanns TiandongXi MarcelFey ChristianBrecher ChristianHopmann KlausWehrle