% % This file was created by the TYPO3 extension % bib % --- Timezone: CEST % Creation date: 2024-09-07 % Creation time: 21-55-45 % --- Number of references % 5 % @Techreport { draft-ietf-hip-cert-00, title = {{Host Identity Protocol Certificates}}, year = {2008}, month = {10}, volume = {1}, number = {draft-ietf-hip-cert-00.txt}, note = {{expires: January 2, 2010 (work in progress)}}, url = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hip-cert-00}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {{IETF Trust}}, howpublished = {An online version is available at: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hip-cert-00}, series = {Internet Drafts}, organization = {{Internet Engineering Task Force}}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, language = {en}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Heer, Tobias and Varjonen, Samu} } @Techreport { draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01, title = {{Host Identity Protocol Certificates}}, year = {2008}, month = {7}, volume = {1}, number = {draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01.txt}, note = {{expires: January 15, 2009 (work in progress)}}, url = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {{IETF Trust}}, howpublished = {An online version is available at: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01}, series = {Internet Drafts}, organization = {{Internet Engineering Task Force}}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, language = {en}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Heer, Tobias and Varjonen, Samu} } @Techreport { draft-varjonen-hip-cert-00, title = {{Host Identity Protocol Certificates}}, year = {2008}, month = {2}, volume = {1}, number = {draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01.txt}, note = {{expires: August 21, 2008 (work in progress)}}, url = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-varjonen-hip-cert-00}, misc2 = {Online}, publisher = {{IETF Trust}}, howpublished = {An online version is available at: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01}, series = {Internet Drafts}, organization = {{Internet Engineering Task Force}}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, language = {en}, author = {Heer, Tobias and Varjonen, Samu} } @Techreport { 2008-heer-draft-cert-2, title = {HIP Certificates (Version 0)}, year = {2008}, abstract = {This document specifies a certificate parameter called CERT for the Host Identity Protocol (HIP). The CERT parameter is a container for Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI) and X.509 certificates. It is used for carrying these certificates in HIP control messages. Additionally, this document specifies the representations of Host Identity Tags in SPKI certificates.}, note = {Work in progress}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, type = {Internet-Draft}, author = {Varjonen, Samu and Heer, Tobias} } @Techreport { 2008-heer-draft-cert, title = {HIP Certificates (Version 1)}, year = {2008}, abstract = {This document specifies a certificate parameter called CERT for the Host Identity Protocol (HIP). The CERT parameter is a container for Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI) and X.509 certificates. It is used for carrying these certificates in HIP control messages. Additionally, this document specifies the representations of Host Identity Tags in SPKI certificates.}, note = {draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01.txt. Work in progress.}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, type = {Internet-Draft}, author = {Varjonen, Samu and Heer, Tobias} }