This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-09-17 Creation time: 11-49-01 --- Number of references 1 inproceedings 2022-rechenberg-cim Guiding Ship Navigators through the Heavy Seas of Cyberattacks 2022 10 Maritime Cybersecurity, Intrusion Detection System, Integrated Bridge System, IEC 61162-450, NMEA 0183 Zenodo European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2022) Bremerhaven, Germany 10.5281/zenodo.7148794 1 Merlinvon Rechenberg NinaRößler MariSchmidt KonradWolsing FlorianMotz MichaelBergmann ElmarPadilla JanBauer