This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2025-01-14 Creation time: 17-26-00 --- Number of references 2 conference VTC2013_parruca_gross Analytical Model of Proportional Fair Scheduling in Interference-limited OFDMA/LTE Networks 2013 9 Various system tasks like interference coordination, handover decisions, admission control etc. in upcoming cellular networks require precise mid-term (spanning over a few seconds) performance models. Due to channel-dependent scheduling at the base station, these performance models are not simple to obtain. Furthermore, upcoming cellular systems will be interference-limited, hence, the way interference is modeled is crucial for the accuracy. In this paper we present an analytical model for the SINR distribution of the scheduled subcarriers of an OFDMA system with proportional fair scheduling. The model takes the precise SINR distribution into account. We furthermore refine our model with respect to uniform modulation and coding, as applied in LTE networks. The derived models are validated by means of simulations. In additon, we show that our models are approximate estimators for the performance of rate-based proportional fair scheduling, while they outperform some simpler prediction models from related work significantly. Proceedings of IEE Vehicular Telecommunications Conference (VTC-Fall 2013) Las Vegas, USA 2013 IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference 2-5, September, 2013 DonaldParruca MariusGrysla SimonGörtzen JamesGross inproceedings Dombrowski2013WiOpt Energy-Efficient Multi-Hop Transmission for Machine-to-Machine Communications 2013 5 13 341-348 energy minimization;quality-of-service;outage probability;deadline;optimization;multi-hop;average csi;instantaneous csi 11th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2013) Tsukuba Science City, Japan English 1 ChristianDombrowski NedaPetreska SimonGörtzen AnkeSchmeink JamesGross