This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-10-16 Creation time: 02-48-27 --- Number of references 2 inproceedings 2008-thissen-NGMAST-IMS A SIP Application Router for Presence-Driven Composition of IMS Service 2008 207-212 Print IEEE Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference and Exhibition on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST 2008), Cardiff, UK Cardiff, UK Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST 2008) en 978-0-7695-3333-9 1 Juan MiguelEspinosa Carlín DirkThißen inproceedings 2008-thissen-MWCN-IMS Validation of the Signaling Procedures of a Delivery Platform for IMS Services 2008 259-270 Print Springer Proceedings of the 10th IFIP International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks (MWCN 2008), Toulouse, France Toulouse, France 10th IFIP International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks (MWCN 2008) en 978-0-387-84838-9 1 Juan MiguelEspinosa Carlín DirkThißen