This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2025-02-19 Creation time: 08-31-08 --- Number of references 2 inproceedings 2019_delacadena_countermeasure POSTER: Traffic Splitting to Counter Website Fingerprinting 2019 11 12 2533-2535 Website fingerprinting (WFP) is a special type of traffic analysis, which aims to infer the websites visited by a user. Recent studies have shown that WFP targeting Tor users is notably more effective than previously expected. Concurrently, state-of-the-art defenses have been proven to be less effective. In response, we present a novel WFP defense that splits traffic over multiple entry nodes to limit the data a single malicious entry can use. Here, we explore several traffic-splitting strategies to distribute user traffic. We establish that our weighted random strategy dramatically reduces the accuracy from nearly 95% to less than 35% for four state-of-the-art WFP attacks without adding any artificial delays or dummy traffic. ACM Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '19), November 11-15, 2019, London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom November 11-15, 2019 978-1-4503-6747-9/19/11 10.1145/3319535.3363249 1 WladimirDe la Cadena AsyaMitseva JanPennekamp JensHiller FabianLanze ThomasEngel KlausWehrle AndriyPanchenko inproceedings 2019_pennekamp_multipath Multipathing Traffic to Reduce Entry Node Exposure in Onion Routing 2019 10 7 Users of an onion routing network, such as Tor, depend on its anonymity properties. However, especially malicious entry nodes, which know the client’s identity, can also observe the whole communication on their link to the client and, thus, conduct several de-anonymization attacks. To limit this exposure and to impede corresponding attacks, we propose to multipath traffic between the client and the middle node to reduce the information an attacker can obtain at a single vantage point. To facilitate the deployment, only clients and selected middle nodes need to implement our approach, which works transparently for the remaining legacy nodes. Furthermore, we let clients control the splitting strategy to prevent any external manipulation. Poster Session IEEE Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP '19), October 7-10, 2019, Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, IL, USA 27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2019) 7-10. Oct. 2019 978-1-7281-2700-2 2643-3303 10.1109/ICNP.2019.8888029 1 JanPennekamp JensHiller SebastianReuter WladimirDe la Cadena AsyaMitseva MartinHenze ThomasEngel KlausWehrle AndriyPanchenko