This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-09-15 Creation time: 08-20-58 --- Number of references 2 inproceedings 1996-thissen-dccn-trader How to Enhance Service Selection in Distributed Systems 1996 114-123 Print Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Distributed Computer Communication Networks (DCCN'96), Tel Aviv, Isreal Tel Aviv, Isreal 1st International Conference on Distributed Computer Communication Networks (DCCN'96) en PeterReichl DirkThißen ClaudiaLinnhoff-Popien inproceedings 1996-thissen-treds-trader Finding Optimal Services within a CORBA Trader 1996 200-213 Print Springer Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Trends in Distributed Systems: CORBA and Beyond (TreDS'96), Aachen Aachen 1st International Workshop on Trends in Distributed Systems: CORBA and Beyond (TreDS'96) en 3-540-61842-2 1 DirkThißen ClaudiaLinnhoff-Popien