This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-09-09 Creation time: 06-33-16 --- Number of references 6 inproceedings 2022_pennekamp_cumul CUMUL & Co: High-Impact Artifacts for Website Fingerprinting Research 2022 12 8 RWTH-2022-10811 Anonymous communication on the Internet is about hiding the relationship between communicating parties. At NDSS '16, we presented a new website fingerprinting approach, CUMUL, that utilizes novel features and a simple yet powerful algorithm to attack anonymization networks such as Tor. Based on pattern observation of data flows, this attack aims at identifying the content of encrypted and anonymized connections. Apart from the feature generation and the used classifier, we also provided a large dataset to the research community to study the attack at Internet scale. In this paper, we emphasize the impact of our artifacts by analyzing publications referring to our work with respect to the dataset, feature extraction method, and source code of the implementation. Based on this data, we draw conclusions about the impact of our artifacts on the research field and discuss their influence on related cybersecurity topics. Overall, from 393 unique citations, we discover more than 130 academic references that utilize our artifacts, 61 among them are highly influential (according to SemanticScholar), and at least 35 are from top-ranked security venues. This data underlines the significant relevance and impact of our work as well as of our artifacts in the community and beyond. ACSA Cybersecurity Artifacts Competition and Impact Award at 38th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC '22), December 5-9, 2022, Austin, TX, USA Austin, TX, USA 38th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC '22) December 5-9, 2022 10.18154/RWTH-2022-10811 1 JanPennekamp MartinHenze AndreasZinnen FabianLanze KlausWehrle AndriyPanchenko inproceedings 2022-wireless-anycast Harnessing Cooperative Anycast Communication for Increased Resilience in Wireless Control Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022) 2022 12 reflexes IEEE Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022) 10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9992864 1 RenéGlebke JanScheiper StefanLenz MirkoStoffers KlausWehrle inproceedings 2022_lohmoeller_sovereignty On the Need for Strong Sovereignty in Data Ecosystems 2022 9 5 3306 51-63 Data ecosystems are the foundation of emerging data-driven business models as they (i) enable an automated exchange between their participants and (ii) provide them with access to huge and heterogeneous data sources. However, the corresponding benefits come with unforeseen risks as also sensitive information is potentially exposed. Consequently, data security is of utmost importance and, thus, a central requirement for the successful implementation of these ecosystems. Current initiatives, such as IDS and GAIA-X, hence foster sovereign participation via a federated infrastructure where participants retain local control. However, these designs place significant trust in remote infrastructure by mostly implementing organizational security measures such as certification processes prior to admission of a participant. At the same time, due to the sensitive nature of involved data, participants are incentivized to bypass security measures to maximize their own benefit: In practice, this issue significantly weakens sovereignty guarantees. In this paper, we hence claim that data ecosystems must be extended with technical means to reestablish such guarantees. To underpin our position, we analyze promising building blocks and identify three core research directions toward stronger data sovereignty, namely trusted remote policy enforcement, verifiable data tracking, and integration of resource-constrained participants. We conclude that these directions are critical to securely implement data ecosystems in data-sensitive contexts. internet-of-production CEUR Workshop Proceedings Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Data Ecosystems (DEco '22), co-located with the 48th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB '22), September 5-9, 2022, Sydney, Australia, Sydney, Australia International Workshop on Data Ecosystems (DEco '22) September 5, 2022 1613-0073 1 JohannesLohmöller JanPennekamp RomanMatzutt KlausWehrle inproceedings 2022_dahlmanns_tlsiiot Missed Opportunities: Measuring the Untapped TLS Support in the Industrial Internet of Things 2022 5 31 252-266 The ongoing trend to move industrial appliances from previously isolated networks to the Internet requires fundamental changes in security to uphold secure and safe operation. Consequently, to ensure end-to-end secure communication and authentication, (i) traditional industrial protocols, e.g., Modbus, are retrofitted with TLS support, and (ii) modern protocols, e.g., MQTT, are directly designed to use TLS. To understand whether these changes indeed lead to secure Industrial Internet of Things deployments, i.e., using TLS-based protocols, which are configured according to security best practices, we perform an Internet-wide security assessment of ten industrial protocols covering the complete IPv4 address space. Our results show that both, retrofitted existing protocols and newly developed secure alternatives, are barely noticeable in the wild. While we find that new protocols have a higher TLS adoption rate than traditional protocols (7.2 % vs. 0.4 %), the overall adoption of TLS is comparably low (6.5 % of hosts). Thus, most industrial deployments (934,736 hosts) are insecurely connected to the Internet. Furthermore, we identify that 42 % of hosts with TLS support (26,665 hosts) show security deficits, e.g., missing access control. Finally, we show that support in configuring systems securely, e.g., via configuration templates, is promising to strengthen security. industrial communication; network security; security configuration internet-of-production, rfc ACM Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS '22), May 30-June 3, 2022, Nagasaki, Japan Nagasaki, Japan ASIACCS '22 May 30-June 3, 2022 978-1-4503-9140-5/22/05 10.1145/3488932.3497762 1 MarkusDahlmanns JohannesLohmöller JanPennekamp JörnBodenhausen KlausWehrle MartinHenze article 2022_brauner_iop A Computer Science Perspective on Digital Transformation in Production ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 2022 5 1 3 2 The Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) promises significant improvements for the manufacturing industry by facilitating the integration of manufacturing systems by Digital Twins. However, ecological and economic demands also require a cross-domain linkage of multiple scientific perspectives from material sciences, engineering, operations, business, and ergonomics, as optimization opportunities can be derived from any of these perspectives. To extend the IIoT to a true Internet of Production, two concepts are required: first, a complex, interrelated network of Digital Shadows which combine domain-specific models with data-driven AI methods; and second, the integration of a large number of research labs, engineering, and production sites as a World Wide Lab which offers controlled exchange of selected, innovation-relevant data even across company boundaries. In this article, we define the underlying Computer Science challenges implied by these novel concepts in four layers: Smart human interfaces provide access to information that has been generated by model-integrated AI. Given the large variety of manufacturing data, new data modeling techniques should enable efficient management of Digital Shadows, which is supported by an interconnected infrastructure. Based on a detailed analysis of these challenges, we derive a systematized research roadmap to make the vision of the Internet of Production a reality. Internet of Production; World Wide Lab; Digital Shadows; Industrial Internet of Things internet-of-production ACM 2691-1914 10.1145/3502265 1 PhilippBrauner ManuelaDalibor MatthiasJarke IkeKunze IstvánKoren GerhardLakemeyer MartinLiebenberg JudithMichael JanPennekamp ChristophQuix BernhardRumpe Wilvan der Aalst KlausWehrle AndreasWortmann MartinaZiefle inproceedings 2022-lorenz-ven2us Interconnected network protection systems - the basis for the reliable and safe operation of distribution grids with a high penetration of renewable energies and electric vehicle 2022 Power grids are increasingly faced with the introduction of decentralized, highly volatile power supplies from renewable energies and high loads occurring from e-mobility. However, today’s static grid protection cannot manage all upcoming conditions while providing a high level of dependability and security. It forms a bottleneck of a future decarbonizing grid development. In our research project, we develop and verify an adaptive grid protection algorithm. It calculates situation dependent protection parameters for the event of power flow shifts and topology changes caused by volatile power supplies due to the increase of renewable generation and the rapid expansion of e-mobility. As a result the distribution grid can be operated with the optimally adapted protection parameters and functions for changing operating states. To safely adjust the values on protection hardware in the field, i.e., safe from hardware failures and cyberattacks, we research resilient and secure communication concepts for the adaptive and interconnected grid protection system. Finally, we validate our concept and system by demonstrations in the laboratory and field tests. ven2us Proceedings of the CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems 2022, June 2-3, 2022, Porto, Portugal Porto CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems 2022 June 2-3, 2022 10.1049/icp.2022.0768 1 MatthiasLorenz Tobias MarkusPletzer MalteSchuhmacher TorstenSowa MichaelDahms SimonStock DavoodBabazadeh ChristianBecker JohannJaeger TobiasLorz MarkusDahlmanns Ina BereniceFink KlausWehrle AndreasUlbig PhilippLinnartz AntigonaSelimaj ThomasOffergeld