This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2025-02-19 Creation time: 03-03-33 --- Number of references 13 techreport 2011-draft-garcia-core-security-03 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2011 10 31 draft-garcia-core-security-03 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik article 2011-heer-iot-journal Security Challenges in the IP-based Internet of Things Springer Wireless Personal Communications Journal 2011 10 61 3 527-542 A direct interpretation of the term Internet of Things refers to the use of standard Internet protocols for the human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication in embedded networks. Although the security needs are well-recognized in this domain, it is still not fully understood how existing IP security protocols and architectures can be deployed. In this paper, we discuss the applicability and limitations of existing Internet protocols and security architectures in the context of the Internet of Things. First, we give an overview of the deployment model and general security needs. We then present challenges and requirements for IP-based security solutions and highlight specific technical limitations of standard IP security protocols. iotsec fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-heer-iot-challenges.pdf Online Springer
en 0929-6212 10.1007/s11277-011-0385-5 1 TobiasHeer OscarGarcia-Morchon RenéHummen Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2011-wintech-alizai-tinywifi TinyWifi: Making Network Protocol Evaluation Portable Across Multiple Phy-Link Layers 2011 9 19-27 tinywifi fileadmin/papers/2011/2010-09-tinywifi-alizai-wintech.pdf Online ACM
New York, NY, USA
Proceedings of the Sixth ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH ), Las Vegas, NV, USA Las Vegas, NV, USA The 17th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking September 2011 en 978-1-4503-0867-0 10.1145/2030718.2030725 1 Muhammad HamadAlizai HannoWirtz BernhardKirchen TobiasVaegs OmprakashGnawali KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2011-kunz-mascots-performance-prediction Predicting Runtime Performance Bounds of Expanded Parallel Discrete Event Simulations 2011 7 25 359 - 368 horizon fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-kunz-performance-prediction-mascots.pdf Online IEEE Computer Society
Los Alamitos, CA, USA
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'11), Singapore Singapore 19th Annual Meeting of the IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems July 25-17, 2011 en 978-1-4577-0468-0 1526-7539 10.1109/MASCOTS.2011.15 1 GeorgKunz SimonTenbusch JamesGross KlausWehrle
techreport 2011-draft-garcia-core-security-02 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2011 7 11 draft-garcia-core-security-02 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik inproceedings 2011-icdcs-sasnauskas-sde Scalable Symbolic Execution of Distributed Systems 2011 6 333-342 Recent advances in symbolic execution have proposed a number of promising solutions to automatically achieve high-coverage and explore non-determinism during testing. This attractive testing technique of unmodified software assists developers with concrete inputs and deterministic schedules to analyze erroneous program paths. Being able to handle complex systems' software, these tools only consider single software instances and not their distributed execution which forms the core of distributed systems. The step to symbolic distributed execution is however steep, posing two core challenges: (1) additional state growth and (2) the state intra-dependencies resulting from communication. In this paper, we present SDE—a novel approach enabling scalable symbolic execution of distributed systems. The key contribution of our work is two-fold. First, we generalize the problem space of SDE and develop an algorithm significantly eliminating redundant states during testing. The key idea is to benefit from the nodes' local communication minimizing the number of states representing the distributed execution. Second, we demonstrate the practical applicability of SDE in testing with three sensornet scenarios running Contiki OS. kleenet fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-06-icdcs-sasnauskas-sde.pdf Druck IEEE Computer Society
Los Alamitos, CA, USA
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2011), June 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA en 978-0-7695-4364-2 1063-6927 10.1109/ICDCS.2011.28 1 RaimondasSasnauskas OscarSoria Dustmann Benjamin LucienKaminski CarstenWeise StefanKowalewski KlausWehrle
inproceedings 2011-iscc-alizai-ble Efficient Online Estimation of Bursty Wireless Links 2011 6 fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-alizai-iscc-ble.pdf Online IEEE Computer Society
Los Alamitos, CA, USA
16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Kerkyra, Greece Kerkyra, Greece en 978-1-4577-0678-3 10.1109/ISCC.2011.5983839 1 Muhammad HamadAlizai HannoWirtz GeorgKunz BenjaminGrap KlausWehrle
article 22011-itag-samad-cadplus CAD+: Detecting Colluding Nodes in Gray Hole Attacks Lecture Notes in Informatics GI-Edition 2011 3 25 S-10 Informatiktage 2011 279-282 Druck Köllen Verlag GmbH
Bonn, Germany
Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) S-10 en 978-3-88579- 444-8 1614-3213 ShankarKaruppayah FahadSamad
inproceedings OttHLVK2011 Floating Content: Information Sharing in Urban Areas 2011 3 21 Content sharing using personal web pages, blogs, or online social networks is a common means for people to maintain contact with their friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. While such means are essential to overcome distances, using infrastructure services for location-based services may not be desirable. In this paper, we analyze a fully distributed variant of an ephemeral content sharing service, solely dependent on the mobile devices in the vicinity using principles of opportunistic networking. The net result is a best effort service for floating content in which: 1) information dissemination is geographically limited; 2) the lifetime and spreading of information depends on interested nodes being available; 3) content can only be created and distributed locally; and 4) content can only be added, but not explicitly deleted. First we present our system design and summarize its analytical modeling. Then we perform extensive evaluation for a map-based mobility model in downtown Helsinki to assess the operational range for floating content, which, at the same time also validate the analytical results obtained for a more abstract model of the system. Online IEEE
Piscataway, NJ, USA
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2011), Seattle, WA, USA Seattle, USA 9th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications March 21 - 25, 2011 en 978-1-4244-9529-0 1 JörgOtt EsaHyytiä PasiLassila TobiasVaegs JussiKangasharju
inproceedings 2011-kunz-omnetpp-horizon Runtime Efficient Event Scheduling in Multi-threaded Network Simulation 2011 3 21 359-366 Developing an efficient parallel simulation framework for multiprocessor systems is hard. A primary concern is the considerable amount of parallelization overhead imposed on the event handling routines of the simulation framework. Besides more complex event scheduling algorithms, the main sources of overhead are thread synchronization and locking of shared data structures. As a result, the overhead of parallelization may easily outweigh the benefits of parallelization in comparison to classic sequential simulation. We introduce two efficient event handling schemes based on our parallel-simulation extension Horizon for the OMNeT++ simulator.First, we present a \emph{push-based event handling scheme} to minimize the overhead of thread synchronization and locking. Second, we complement this scheme with a novel \emph{event scheduling algorithm} that significantly reduces the overhead of parallel event scheduling. Lastly, we prove the correctness of our scheduling algorithm. Our evaluation reveals a total reduction in the event handling overhead of up to 16x when combining both schemes. horizon fileadmin/papers/2011/2011-kunz-horizon-omnetworkshop.pdf Online ICST
Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++'11), Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain 4th International Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++'11) March 21, 2011 en 978-1-936968-00-8 10.4108/icst.simutools.2011.245504 1 GeorgKunz MirkoStoffers JamesGross KlausWehrle
techreport 2011-draft-garcia-core-security-01 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2011 3 14 draft-garcia-core-security-01 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik techreport 2011-draft-garcia-core-security-00 Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things 2011 3 7 draft-garcia-core-security-00 A direct interpretation of the Internet of Things concept refers to the usage of standard Internet protocols to allow for human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication. Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. This Internet-Draft first provides an overview of security architecture, its deployment model and general security needs in the context of the lifecycle of a thing. Then, it presents challenges and requirements for the successful roll-out of new applications and usage of standard IP-based security protocols when applied to get a functional Internet of Things. Work in progress iotsec; ietf Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en OscarGarcia-Morchon Sye LoongKeoh Sandeep S.Kumar RenéHummen RenéStruik techreport 2011-heer-draft-middle-auth End-Host Authentication for HIP Middleboxes (Version 4) 2011 draft-heer-hip-middle-auth-04 The Host Identity Protocol [RFC5201] is a signaling protocol for secure communication, mobility, and multihoming that introduces a cryptographic namespace. This document specifies an extension for HIP that enables middleboxes to unambiguously verify the identities of hosts that communicate across them. This extension allows middleboxes to verify the liveness and freshness of a HIP association and, thus, to secure access control in middleboxes. Work in progress ietf, mobile_access Online Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft en TobiasHeer MiikaKomu RenéHummen KlausWehrle