This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2024-12-03 Creation time: 14-29-21 --- Number of references 19 phdthesis 2018-henze-phd-thesis Accounting for Privacy in the Cloud Computing Landscape 2018 12 31 Shaker Verlag
Aachen, Germany
Reports on Communications and Distributed Systems 17 RWTH Aachen University Ph.D. Thesis en 978-3-8440-6389-9 MartinHenze
inproceedings 2018-zimmermann-webready Is the Web ready for HTTP/2 Server Push? 2018 12 4 maki ACM Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Crete, Greete Crete, Greece CoNEXT 2018 4.12.18 - 7.12.18 en 10.1145/3281411.3281434 1 TorstenZimmermann BenediktWolters OliverHohlfeld KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-rueth-mining Digging into Browser-based Crypto Mining 2018 10 31 maki,internet-measurements ACM Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '18) Boston, US Internet Measurement Conference 2018 31.10.18 - 2.11.18 en 10.1145/3278532.3278539 1 JanRüth TorstenZimmermann KonradWolsing OliverHohlfeld inproceedings 2018-tzimmermann-toplists A Long Way to the Top: Significance, Structure, and Stability of Internet Top Lists 2018 10 31 maki ACM Proceedings of the 2018 Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Boston, USA Boston, US Internet Measurement Conference 2018 31.10.18 - 2.11.18 en 10.1145/3278532.3278574 1 QuirinScheitle OliverHohlfeld JulienGamba JonasJelten TorstenZimmermann Stephen D.Strowes NarseoVallina-Rodriguez inproceedings 2018-hiller-lcn-lowlatencyiiot Secure Low Latency Communication for Constrained Industrial IoT Scenarios 2018 10 connect,iop,nerd-nrw IEEE 43rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Chicago, USA Chicago, USA 43nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) October 1-4, 2018 en 978-1-5386-4413-3 10.1109/LCN.2018.8638027 1 JensHiller MartinHenze MartinSerror EricWagner Jan NiklasRichter KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-hohlfeld-santa Application-Agnostic Offloading of Datagram Processing 2018 9 3 maki,ssiclops,reflexes IEEE Proceedings of the 2018 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30), Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria International Teletraffic Congress ITC 30 03.09.2018 - 07-09.2018 en 10.1109/ITC30.2018.00015 1 OliverHohlfeld Jens HelgeReelfs JanRüth FlorianSchmidt TorstenZimmermann JensHiller KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-serror-ares-iotsec Towards In-Network Security for Smart Homes 2018 8 27 consent, iotrust ACM online Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security and Forensics of IoT (IoT-SECFOR), co-located with the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2018), Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, Germany International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security August 27--30, 2018 978-1-4503-6448-5 10.1145/3230833.3232802 1 MartinSerror MartinHenze SachaHack MarkoSchuba KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-rueth-reflexnetcompute Towards In-Network Industrial Feedback Control 2018 8 20 reflexes ACM Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2018 1st Workshop on In-Network Computing (NetCompute '18) Budapest, Hungary ACM SIGCOMM 2018 1st Workshop on In-Network Computing (NetCompute 2018) 20.08.2018 10.1145/3229591.3229592 1 JanRüth RenéGlebke KlausWehrle VedadCausevic SandraHirche article 2018-serror-tvt-fb Finite Blocklength Performance of Cooperative Multi-Terminal Wireless Industrial Networks IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2018 7 67 7 5778-5792 koi IEEE online 0018-9545 10.1109/TVT.2018.2794178 1 YulinHu MartinSerror KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2018-rueth-iwcdns Demystifying TCP Initial Window Configurations of Content Distribution Networks 2018 6 26 maki In Proceedings of the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA '18) Vienna, Austria Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA'18) 26.06.2018 - 29.06.2018 10.23919/TMA.2018.8506549 1 JanRüth OliverHohlfeld inproceedings 2018-hiller-ic2e-cpplintegration Giving Customers Control over Their Data: Integrating a Policy Language into the Cloud 2018 4 19 241-249 ssiclops,iop IEEE Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2018), Orlando, Florida, USA Orlando, Florida, USA 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2018) 2018-04-19 978-1-5386-5008-0 10.1109/IC2E.2018.00050 1 JensHiller MaelKimmerlin MaxPlauth SeppoHeikkila StefanKlauck VilleLindfors FelixEberhardt DariuszBursztynowski Jesus LlorenteSantos OliverHohlfeld KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-matzutt-bitcoin-content-countermeasures Thwarting Unwanted Blockchain Content Insertion 2018 4 17 364-370 Since the introduction of Bitcoin in 2008, blockchain systems have seen an enormous increase in adoption. By providing a persistent, distributed, and append-only ledger, blockchains enable numerous applications such as distributed consensus, robustness against equivocation, and smart contracts. However, recent studies show that blockchain systems such as Bitcoin can be (mis)used to store arbitrary content. This has already been used to store arguably objectionable content on Bitcoin's blockchain. Already single instances of clearly objectionable or even illegal content can put the whole system at risk by making its node operators culpable. To overcome this imminent risk, we survey and discuss the design space of countermeasures against the insertion of such objectionable content. Our analysis shows a wide spectrum of potential countermeasures, which are often combinable for increased efficiency. First, we investigate special-purpose content detectors as an ad hoc mitigation. As they turn out to be easily evadable, we also investigate content-agnostic countermeasures. We find that mandatory minimum fees as well as mitigation of transaction manipulability via identifier commitments significantly raise the bar for inserting harmful content into a blockchain. Bitcoin,blockchain,security,objectionable content,countermeasure mynedata,iop IEEE Proceedings of the First IEEE Workshop on Blockchain Technologies and Applications (BTA), co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering 2018 (IC2E 2018) Orlando, Florida, USA First IEEE Workshop on Blockchain Technologies and Applications (BTA) 2018-04-17 English 978-1-5386-5008-0 10.1109/IC2E.2018.00070 1 RomanMatzutt MartinHenze Jan HenrikZiegeldorf JensHiller KlausWehrle article 2018-scheitle-ccr-caa A First Look at Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review (CCR) 2018 4 48 10-23 internet-measurements 2018-06-05 10.1145/3213232.3213235 1 QuirinScheitle TaejoongChung JensHiller OliverGasser JohannesNaab Rolandvan Rijswijk-Deij OliverHohlfeld RalphHolz DaveChoffnes AlanMislove GeorgCarle inproceedings 2018-rueth-quicadoptionstudy A First Look at QUIC in the Wild 2018 3 26 255-268 maki,reflexes Springer, Cham In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM '18) Berlin, Germany Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2018) 26.3.2018 - 27.3.2018 en 978-3-319-76481-8 10.1007/978-3-319-76481-8_19 1 JanRüth IngmarPoese ChristophDietzel OliverHohlfeld inproceedings 2018-tzimmermann-metacdn Characterizing a Meta-CDN 2018 3 26 114-128 maki Springer, Cham In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM '18) Berlin, Germany Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2018) 26.3.2018 - 27.3.2018 en 978-3-319-76480-1 10.1007/978-3-319-76481-8_9 1 OliverHohlfeld JanRüth KonradWolsing TorstenZimmermann article 2016-fgcs-ziegeldorf-bitcoin Secure and anonymous decentralized Bitcoin mixing Future Generation Computer Systems 2018 3 80 448-466 Pseudonymity, anonymity, and untraceability rfc Online Elsevier en 0167-739X 10.1016/j.future.2016.05.018 1 Jan HenrikZiegeldorf RomanMatzutt MartinHenze FredGrossmann KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-matzutt-bitcoin-content A Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Arbitrary Blockchain Content on Bitcoin 2018 2 26 Blockchains primarily enable credible accounting of digital events, e.g., money transfers in cryptocurrencies. However, beyond this original purpose, blockchains also irrevocably record arbitrary data, ranging from short messages to pictures. This does not come without risk for users as each participant has to locally replicate the complete blockchain, particularly including potentially harmful content. We provide the first systematic analysis of the benefits and threats of arbitrary blockchain content. Our analysis shows that certain content, e.g., illegal pornography, can render the mere possession of a blockchain illegal. Based on these insights, we conduct a thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis of unintended content on Bitcoin's blockchain. Although most data originates from benign extensions to Bitcoin's protocol, our analysis reveals more than 1600 files on the blockchain, over 99% of which are texts or images. Among these files there is clearly objectionable content such as links to child pornography, which is distributed to all Bitcoin participants. With our analysis, we thus highlight the importance for future blockchain designs to address the possibility of unintended data insertion and protect blockchain users accordingly. mynedata 2018-01-07 Online Springer Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), Nieuwpoort, Curaçao Nieuwpoort, Curaçao Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2018 en 10.1007/978-3-662-58387-6_23 1 RomanMatzutt JensHiller MartinHenze Jan HenrikZiegeldorf DirkMüllmann OliverHohlfeld KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-tzimmermann-split SPLIT: Smart Protocol Loading for the IoT 2018 2 14 iop ACM Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2018), Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2018) 14.2.2018 - 16.2.2018 en 978-0-9949886-2-1 1 TorstenZimmermann JensHiller Jens HelgeReelfs PascalHein KlausWehrle inproceedings 2018-dedin-energy-packets A new solution for the Energy Packet-based Dispatching using power/signal dual modulation 2018 Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy '18) Karlsruhe, Germany Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems 2018-06-15 10.1145/3208903.3208931 1 EdoardoDe Din AntonelloMonti VeitHagenmeyer KlausWehrle