This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2025-02-17 Creation time: 21-57-49 --- Number of references 15 inproceedings goetz2008adapt ADAPT: A Semantics-Oriented Protocol Architecture 2008 12 10 5343/2008 287-292 Although modularized protocol frameworks are flexible and adaptive to the increasing heterogeneity of networking environments, it remains a challenge to automatically compose communication stacks from protocol modules. The typical static classification into network layers or class hierarchies cannot appropriately accommodate cross-cutting changes such as overlay routing or cross-layer signaling. In this paper, we discuss how protocol composition can be driven by functionality and demand at runtime based on extensible semantic models of protocols and their execution environment. Such an approach allows to reason about the functionality and quality of automatically composed and adapted protocol compounds and it is open to existing and future protocols. Print Karin Anna Hummel and James P. G. Sterbenz Springer-Verlag
Tiergartenstraße 17, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria 3rd International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS) 2008-12-10 en 978-3-540-92156-1 10.1007/978-3-540-92157-8\_27 1 StefanGötz ChristianBeckel TobiasHeer KlausWehrle
inproceedings heer-2008-conext-alpha ALPHA: an adaptive and lightweight protocol for hop-by-hop authentication 2008 12 1 23:1--23:12 Print ACM
New York, NY, USA
CoNEXT '08 Proceedings of the 2008 ACM CoNEXT Conference, Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain ACM Conext 2008 December 2008 en 978-1-60558-210-8 10.1145/1544012.1544035 1 TobiasHeer StefanGötz OscarGarcia-Morchon KlausWehrle
techreport draft-ietf-hip-cert-00 <prt>Host Identity Protocol Certificates</prt> 2008 10 1 draft-ietf-hip-cert-00.txt <prt>expires: January 2, 2010 (work in progress)</prt> Online <prt>IETF Trust</prt> An online version is available at: Internet Drafts <prt>Internet Engineering Task Force</prt> Internet Engineering Task Force en 1 TobiasHeer SamuVarjonen inproceedings DugosijaEHVHM2008 Online Gaming as Tool for Career Development 2008 9 16 386 Gaming has undergone a transition from a niche hobby to a part of everyday culture, with the most prominent examples of professional gaming in Korea and the success of World of Warcraft. This transition alongside with the advance of use of the Internet has created a new kind of social environment, commonly known as virtual life. This paper presents an excerpt of the results of a survey investigating this environment with particular regard to the interaction between gaming and career, relationships as well as social groups. “Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays. ” Schiller 1 Ralf Klamma, Nalin Sharda, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón, Harald Kosch and Marc Spaniol CEUR Workshop Proceedings Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG'08) Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, The Netherlands First International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG'08) September 16, 2008 en DarkoDugosija VadiEfe StephanHackenbracht TobiasVaegs AnnaHannemann techreport draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01 <prt>Host Identity Protocol Certificates</prt> 2008 7 1 draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01.txt <prt>expires: January 15, 2009 (work in progress)</prt> Online <prt>IETF Trust</prt> An online version is available at: Internet Drafts <prt>Internet Engineering Task Force</prt> Internet Engineering Task Force en 1 TobiasHeer SamuVarjonen conference 2008-heer-pisa-full Secure Wi-Fi Sharing at Global Scales 2008 6 16 1 1-7 The proliferation of broadband Internet connections has lead to an almost pervasive coverage of densely populated areas with private wireless access points. To leverage this coverage, sharing of access points as Internet uplinks among users has first become popular in communities of individuals and has recently been adopted as a business model by several companies. However, existing implementations and proposals suffer from the security risks of directly providing Internet access to strangers. In this paper, we present the P2P Wi-Fi Internet Sharing Architecture PISA, which eliminates these risks by introducing secure tunneling, cryptographic identities, and certificates as primary security concepts. Thus, PISA offers nomadic users the same security that they expect from a wired Internet connection at home. Based on its three fundamental mechanisms, PISA achieves a flexibility which opens significant advantages over existing systems. They include user mobility, anonymity, service levels with different performance and availability characteristics, and different revenue models for operators. With this combination of key features, PISA forms an essential basis for global, seamless, and secure Wi-Fi sharing for large communities. mobile_access Print IEEE
Washington, DC, USA
Proc. of 15th International Conference on Telecommunication (ICT), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 15th International Conference on Telecommunication (ICT) 16-19 June 2008 en 978-1-4244-2035-3 1 TobiasHeer StefanGötz EliasWeingaertner KlausWehrle
techreport draft-varjonen-hip-cert-00 <prt>Host Identity Protocol Certificates</prt> 2008 2 1 draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01.txt <prt>expires: August 21, 2008 (work in progress)</prt> Online <prt>IETF Trust</prt> An online version is available at: Internet Drafts <prt>Internet Engineering Task Force</prt> Internet Engineering Task Force en TobiasHeer SamuVarjonen article 200808WeingaertnerSIGMETRICSPERSyncNetWorkEmulation Synchronized network emulation: matching prototypes with complex simulations SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2008 36 2 58-63 Network emulation, in which real systems interact with a network simulation, is a common evaluation method in computer networking research. Until now, the simulation in charge of representing the network has been required to be real-time capable, as otherwise a time drift between the simulation and the real network devices may occur and corrupt the results. In this paper, we present our work on synchronized network emulation. By adding a central synchronization entity and by virtualizing real systems for means of control, we can build-up network emulations which contain both unmodified x86 systems and network simulations of any complexity. This is a revised version of a paper originally presented at the ACM HotMetrics 2008 workshop. print en 0163-5999 10.1145/1453175.1453185 1 EliasWeingaertner FlorianSchmidt TobiasHeer KlausWehrle inbook 2008-thissen-LNCS-multimedia Multimedia and VR Support for Direct Communication of Designers 2008 268-299 Print M. Nagl, W. Marquardt Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4970 Collaborative and Distributed Chemical Engineering, From Understanding to Substantial Design Process Support en 978-3-540-70551-2 AndréSchüppen OttoSpaniol DirkThißen IngoAssenmacher EdmundHaberstroh ThorstenKuhlen inbook 2008-thissen-LNCS-synergy Synergy by Integrating New Functionality 2008 519-526 Print M. Nagl, W. Marquardt Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4970 Collaborative and Distributed Chemical Engineering, From Understanding to Substantial Design Process Support en 978-3-540-70551-2 SimonBecker MarkusHeller MatthiasJarke WolfgangMarquardt ManfredNagl OttoSpaniol DirkThißen inbook 2008-heer-hipbook-lhip Lightweight HIP 2008 1 121-163 Print Andrei Gurtov Wiley and Sons
West Sussex, England, UK
8 Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Towards the Secure Mobile Internet en 978-0-470-99790-1 TobiasHeer
inbook 2008-heer-hipbook-security Introduction to Network Security 2008 1 13-42 Print Andrei Gurtov Wiley and Sons
West Sussex, England, UK
2 Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Towards the Secure Mobile Internet en 978-0-470-99790-1 TobiasHeer
techreport 2008-heer-draft-cert-2 HIP Certificates (Version 0) 2008 This document specifies a certificate parameter called CERT for the Host Identity Protocol (HIP). The CERT parameter is a container for Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI) and X.509 certificates. It is used for carrying these certificates in HIP control messages. Additionally, this document specifies the representations of Host Identity Tags in SPKI certificates. Work in progress Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft SamuVarjonen TobiasHeer techreport 2008-heer-draft-midauth End-Host Authentication for HIP Middleboxes (Version 1) 2008 draft-heer-hip-midauth-01 The Host Identity Protocol is a signaling protocol for secure communication, mobility, and multihoming. It achieves these properties by introducing a new cryptographic namespace. This document specifies an extension for HIP that enables middleboxes to unambiguously verify the identities of hosts that communicate across them. This extension enables middleboxes to verify the liveness and freshness of a HIP association and, thus, enables reliable and secure access control in middleboxes. Work in progress Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft TobiasHeer MiikaKomu KlausWehrle techreport 2008-heer-draft-cert HIP Certificates (Version 1) 2008 This document specifies a certificate parameter called CERT for the Host Identity Protocol (HIP). The CERT parameter is a container for Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI) and X.509 certificates. It is used for carrying these certificates in HIP control messages. Additionally, this document specifies the representations of Host Identity Tags in SPKI certificates. draft-varjonen-hip-cert-01.txt. Work in progress. Internet Engineering Task Force Internet-Draft SamuVarjonen TobiasHeer