This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: UTC Creation date: 2025-02-19 Creation time: 11-31-02 --- Number of references 11 inproceedings 2015-serror-channel-coding Channel Coding Versus Cooperative ARQ: Reducing Outage Probability in Ultra-Low Latency Wireless Communications 2015 12 koi file:1704 IEEE online IEEE GC 2015 Workshop on Ultra-Low Latency and Ultra-High Reliability in Wireless Communications (GC'15 - ULTRA2), San Diego, USA San Diego, USA IEEE GC 2015 Workshop on Ultra-Low Latency and Ultra-High Reliability in Wireless Communications December 6-10 2015 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2015.7414150 1 MartinSerror ChristianDombrowski KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2015-stoffers-mswim-data-deps Data Dependency based Parallel Simulation of Wireless Networks 2015 11 2 291-300 Simulation of wireless systems is highly complex and can only be efficient if the simulation is executed in parallel. To this end, independent events have to be identified to enable their simultaneous execution. Hence, the number of events identified as independent needs to be maximized in order to increase the level of parallelism. Traditionally, dependencies are determined only by time and location of events: If two events take place on the same simulation entity, they must be simulated in timestamp order. Our approach to overcome this limitation is to also investigate data-dependencies between events. This enables event reordering and parallelization even for events at the same simulation entity. To this end, we design the simulation language PSimLa, which aids this process. In this paper, we discuss the PSimLa design and compiler as well as our data-dependency analysis approach in detail and present case studies of wireless network models, speeded up by a factor of 10 on 12 cores where time-based parallelization only achieves a 1.6x speedup. Best Paper Award Parallel simulation; Static code analysis; Data dependencies horizon Online ACM
New York, NY
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Cancún, Mexico (MSWiM'15) Cancún, Mexico en 10.1145/2811587.2811593 1 MirkoStoffers TorstenSehy JamesGross KlausWehrle
poster serror-zdn-2015 How to Benefit from Cooperation in Latency-Constrained Wireless Communications 2015 9 25 cps,koi,hodrian VDE online ITG-Fachtagung "Zukunft der Netze 2015" – Poster Session, Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany MartinSerror ChristianDombrowski KlausWehrle JamesGross inproceedings 2015-gerdes-authorization Autorisierungsmanagement für das Internet of Things 2015 9 iotsec Online D•A•CH Security 2015 Sankt Augustin, Germany D•A•CH Security 2015 08.09. - 09.09.2015 accepted de 1 StefanieGerdes RenéHummen OlafBergmann inproceedings 2015-schmidt-santa Santa: Faster Packet Delivery for Commonly Wished Replies [Poster Abstract] 2015 8 19 ssiclops Online ACM Proceedings of the 43rd ACM SIGCOMM Conference (SIGCOMM '15), London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom 43rd ACM SIGCOMM Conference (SIGCOMM '15) 17–21 August, 2015 en 10.1145/2785956.2790014 1 FlorianSchmidt OliverHohlfeld RenéGlebke KlausWehrle inproceedings 2015-wowmom-schumacher-warpsim WARPsim: A Code-Transparent Network Simulator for WARP Devices 2015 6 14 cps,koi file:1688 IEEE online 16th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks: Demos (IEEE WoWMoM 2015 - Demos), Boston, USA Boston, USA IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks 14.-17. June 2015 10.1109/WoWMoM.2015.7158181 1 AndreasSchumacher MartinSerror ChristianDombrowski JamesGross inproceedings 2015-stoffers-pads-data-deps Analyzing Data Dependencies for Increased Parallelism in Discrete Event Simulation 2015 6 10 73-74 horizon Online ACM
New York, NY
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSIM/PADS Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS’15), London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom en 10.1145/2769458.2769487 1 MirkoStoffers TorstenSehy JamesGross KlausWehrle
inproceedings Dombrowski2015EW EchoRing: A Low-Latency, Reliable Token-Passing MAC Protocol for Wireless Industrial Networks 2015 5 20 Spurred by recent industrial trends, such as factory automation or phase synchronization in the smart grid, there is a significant interest for wireless industrial networks lately. In contrast to traditional applications, the focus is on carrying out communication at very short latencies together with high reliabilities. Meeting such extreme requirements with wireless networks is challenging. A potential candidate for such a network is a token-passing protocol, as it allows to bound latencies. However, it lacks mechanisms to cope with the dynamics of wireless channels. In this paper, we present EchoRing, a novel wireless token-passing protocol. Cooperative communication and an improved fault tolerance allow this decentralized protocol to support industrial applications over wireless networks. Based on experimental results, we demonstrate the suitability of EchoRing to support demands of industrial applications. EchoRing outperforms other schemes by several orders of magnitude in terms of reliability for latencies of and below 10ms. Protocols and architectures for wireless networks; Testbeds and experimental wireless systems; Reliability: robust and dependable wireless systems cps,hodrian IEEE Proc. of 21st European Wireless Conference (EW15) Budapest, Hungary European Wireless Conference (EW) 20/05/2015 978-3-8007-3976-9 ChristianDombrowski JamesGross inproceedings virtualcoordinate_li_lin_stoffers_gross_2015 Channel-Aware Virtual Coordinates Assignment Protocol and Routing in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Network 2015 5 20 Online IFIP
Laxenburg, Austria
Proc. of the 14th International IFIP TC6 Networking Conference (NETWORKING'15), Toulouse, France Toulouse, France en 10.1109/IFIPNetworking.2015.7145337 1 DiLi ZhichaoLin MirkoStoffers JamesGross
inproceedings Dombrowski2015NetSys EchoRing: Meeting Hard Real-Time Constraints with Decentralized Wireless Networks 2015 3 9 1--3 cps,hodrian 2nd Place Regular Demonstrations IEEE Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Networked Systems, Demonstrations (NetSys15) Cottbus, Germany Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys) - Demo Session 09/03/2015 1 ChristianDombrowski JamesGross inproceedings 2014-ziegeldorf-codaspy-coinparty CoinParty: Secure Multi-Party Mixing of Bitcoins 2015 3 2 rfc Online ACM The Fifth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2015), San Antonio, TX, USA San Antonio, TX, USA The Fifth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2015) en 978-1-4503-3191-3 10.1145/2699026.2699100 1 Jan HenrikZiegeldorf FredGrossmann MartinHenze NicolasInden KlausWehrle