% % This file was created by the TYPO3 extension % bib % --- Timezone: CEST % Creation date: 2024-07-27 % Creation time: 08-09-03 % --- Number of references % 5 % @Inproceedings { 2021-krude-nfp-pred, title = {Determination of Throughput Guarantees for Processor-based SmartNICs}, year = {2021}, month = {12}, day = {7}, tags = {maki}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2021/2021-krude-nfp-pred.pdf}, publisher = {ACM}, booktitle = {The 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT '21)}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-9098-9/21/12}, DOI = {10.1145/3485983.3494842}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Krude, Johannes and R{\"u}th, Jan and Schemmel, Daniel and Rath, Felix and Folbort, Iohannes-Heorh and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2021_pennekamp_bootstrapping, title = {Confidential Computing-Induced Privacy Benefits for the Bootstrapping of New Business Relationships}, year = {2021}, month = {11}, day = {15}, number = {RWTH-2021-09499}, abstract = {In addition to quality improvements and cost reductions, dynamic and flexible business relationships are expected to become more important in the future to account for specific customer change requests or small-batch production. Today, despite reservation, sensitive information must be shared upfront between buyers and sellers. However, without a trust relation, this situation is precarious for the involved companies as they fear for their competitiveness following information leaks or breaches of their privacy. To address this issue, the concepts of confidential computing and cloud computing come to mind as they promise to offer scalable approaches that preserve the privacy of participating companies. In particular, designs building on confidential computing can help to technically enforce privacy. Moreover, cloud computing constitutes an elegant design choice to scale these novel protocols to industry needs while limiting the setup and management overhead for practitioners. Thus, novel approaches in this area can advance the status quo of bootstrapping new relationships as they provide privacy-preserving alternatives that are suitable for immediate deployment.}, keywords = {bootstrapping procurement; business relationships; secure industrial collaboration; privacy; Internet of Production}, tags = {internet-of-production}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2021/2021-pennekamp-bootstrapping.pdf}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen University}, booktitle = {Blitz Talk at the 2021 Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW '21), co-located with the 28th ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '21), November 15-19, 2021, Seoul, Korea}, institution = {RWTH Aachen University}, event_place = {Seoul, Korea}, event_date = {November 14, 2021}, DOI = {10.18154/RWTH-2021-09499}, author = {Pennekamp, Jan and Fuhrmann, Frederik and Dahlmanns, Markus and Heutmann, Timo and Kreppein, Alexander and Grunert, Dennis and Lange, Christoph and Schmitt, Robert H. and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Proceedings { fink-lcn-demons-2021, title = {DEMONS: Extended Manufacturer Usage Description to Restrain Malicious Smartphone Apps}, year = {2021}, month = {10}, day = {4}, tags = {nerd-nrw}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2021/2021-fink-lcn-demons.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, howpublished = {online}, event_place = {Edmonton, Canada}, event_name = {46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)}, event_date = {October 4-7, 2021}, DOI = {10.1109/LCN52139.2021.9524879}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Fink, Ina Berenice and Serror, Martin and Wehrle, Klaus} } @Inproceedings { 2021_dahlmanns_entrust, title = {Transparent End-to-End Security for Publish/Subscribe Communication in Cyber-Physical Systems}, year = {2021}, month = {4}, day = {28}, pages = {78–87}, abstract = {The ongoing digitization of industrial manufacturing leads to a decisive change in industrial communication paradigms. Moving from traditional one-to-one to many-to-many communication, publish/subscribe systems promise a more dynamic and efficient exchange of data. However, the resulting significantly more complex communication relationships render traditional end-to-end security futile for sufficiently protecting the sensitive and safety-critical data transmitted in industrial systems. Most notably, the central message brokers inherent in publish/subscribe systems introduce a designated weak spot for security as they can access all communication messages. To address this issue, we propose ENTRUST, a novel solution for key server-based end-to-end security in publish/subscribe systems. ENTRUST transparently realizes confidentiality, integrity, and authentication for publish/subscribe systems without any modification of the underlying protocol. We exemplarily implement ENTRUST on top of MQTT, the de-facto standard for machine-to-machine communication, showing that ENTRUST can integrate seamlessly into existing publish/subscribe systems.}, keywords = {cyber-physical system security; publish-subscribe security; end-to-end security}, tags = {internet-of-production, rfc}, url = {https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/papers/2021/2021-dahlmanns-entrust.pdf}, publisher = {ACM}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems (SaT-CPS '21), co-located with the 11th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY '21), April 26-28, 2021, Virtual Event, USA}, event_place = {Virtual Event, USA}, event_name = {ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems}, event_date = {April 28, 2021}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-8319-6/21/04}, DOI = {10.1145/3445969.3450423}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Dahlmanns, Markus and Pennekamp, Jan and Fink, Ina Berenice and Schoolmann, Bernd and Wehrle, Klaus and Henze, Martin} } @Article { 2021-jakobs-engineering, title = {Standards Development for Smart Systems—A Potential Way Forward}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management}, year = {2021}, month = {2}, day = {1}, volume = {68}, number = {1}, pages = {75-86}, ISSN = {1558-0040}, DOI = {10.1109/TEM.2020.2976640}, reviewed = {1}, author = {Folmer, Erwin and Jakobs, Kai} }