< Guest Talk "S2E: A Platform for In-Vivo Multi-Path Analysis of Software Systems", Tuesday (2012-05-22)
27.09.2012 22:00 Age: 12 yrs
Guest Talk "Device-Free Localization from Wireless Network Signal Strength Measurements", Friday (2012-09-28)

Maurizio Bocca, SPAN Lab
We're pleased to announce a guest talk by Maurizio Bocca (Signal and Processing Across Networks (SPAN) Lab, University of Utah).
When: Friday, September 28th, 2012, at 11am
Where: i4 seminar room, building E1, room 4105, 1. floor
Title: "Device-Free Localization from Wireless Network Signal Strength Measurements"
Abstract:Radio frequency (RF) sensor networks are wireless networks using as sensor the received signal strength (RSS) of radio signals to perform tasks such as device-free localization and tracking of individuals in indoor environments. With this technology, people to be located are not required to participate in the localization effort by carrying or wearing any radio device, tag or sensor. Instead, the RSS of all the links is continuously measured and processed in real-time to locate people from the variations caused by their movements in the monitored area.
The talk will introduce multiple methods and approaches to infer people locations in different indoor environments using the RSS information. We will focus on the latest developments of this technology, such as the use of channel diversity to improve the localization accuracy in through-wall scenarios, localization and tracking of multiple people, a more advanced spatial model for the motion-induced variations of the RSS of a link, and the use of RF sensor networks for long-term residential monitoring in assisted living and context awareness applications.
Short Bio:Maurizio Bocca received the B.Sc. (2003) and M.Sc. (2006) degrees in Computer Science Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy), and the Ph.D. (2011) in Electrical Engineering from Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland). In 2012, he has joined as a post doc the Sensing and Processing Across Networks (SPAN) Lab at the University of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA), where he is conducting research in the area of RF sensor networks for device-free localization and context awareness. His research interests include distributed and adaptive algorithms for wireless sensor networks, information processing in sensor networks, and smart protocols for large-scale deployments of sensor networks in real-world scenarios.