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05.11.2024 01:30 Age: 105 days

COMSYS @ BuildSys 2024

COMSYS gave two presentations at the latest BuildSys conference.

In November, COMSYS researcher Justus Breyer took part in the 11th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys 2024) in Hangzhou, China. The conference was a great opportunity to get in touch with researchers focusing on sustainability in the built environment, aiming to combat climate change without loss in comfort in our everyday life. Discussions evolved especially around opportunities to reduce energy consumption and increasing the reliability of the electrical grid, greatly aligning with our more recent research directions. Specifically, Justus gave two talks: In an extensive evaluation of recent water datasets that are published to foster cooperation within the research area, COMSYS found that none of these datasets saw any reuse and hence provided helpful insights to stimulate the research area. In his second talk, he elaborated the impact of domain bias on domestic energy disaggregation algorithms.

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