< Security and Privacy in Vehicular Networks
05.11.2010 12:00 Age: 14 yrs

Best Poster Award at ACM SenSys 2010 for the ComSys Team

ACM SenSys 2010 Poster Award Ceremony

Bernhard Kirchen while presenting the poster "TinyOS Meets Wireless Mesh Networks"

Raimondas Sasnauskas and Oscar S. Dustmann presenting their demo "Integrating Symbolic Execution with Sensornet Simulation for Efficient Bug Finding"

Our poster "TinyOS Meets Wireless Mesh Networks" presented by Bernhard Kirchen and Hamad Alizai was honored with the Best Poster Award at the ACM SenSys 2010 conference at ETH Zurich. Besides the TinyWifi poster, Raimondas Sasnauskas and Oscar S. Dustmann from the ComSys Team kept the bulk of the audience busy with a demonstration of their joint work with Fredrik
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